JWT Authentication for Django Rest Framework and MongoDB

Srijan Anand
3 min readOct 26, 2018


We will be using a simple package called Mango-JWT to build our Auth App.

Mango-JWT is a minimal JWT User Authentication tool for Django Rest Framework and MongoDB. Recommended for developers using django-rest-framework and pymongo. Although its not supported in versions below Django 2.0.

  1. InstallMango-JWT”
pip install mango-jwt

This will also install all the dependencies for the package.

2. Add “mongo_auth” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting below “rest_framework”:


3. Include the mongo_auth URLconf in your project urls.py like this:

path('mongo_auth/', include('mongo_auth.urls')),

4. Add DB config in “settings.py” :-

# Minimal settings (all mandatory)
"db_host": "some_db_host", # Use srv host if connecting with MongoDB Atlas Cluster
"db_port": "some_db_port", # Don't include this field if connecting with MongoDB Atlas Cluster
"db_name": "for_example_auth_db",
"db_user": "username",
"db_pass": "password"

# Or use Advanced Settings (including optional settings)
"db_host": "some_db_host",
"db_port": "some_db_port",
"db_name": "for_example_auth_db",
"db_user": "username",
"db_pass": "password",
"auth_collection": "name_your_auth_collection", # default is "user_profile"
"fields": ("email", "password"), # default
"jwt_secret": "secret", # default
"jwt_life": 7, # default (in days)
"secondary_username_field": "mobile" # default is None

PLEASE NOTE: If you are connecting MongoDB Atlas Cluster, don't include "db_port" and use srv host in "db_host" e.g. if your host is showing mongodb+srv://something.mongodb.net/test in your account, then use "something.mongodb.net" as your host.

5. If secondary_username_field is provided, users will be able to login with this field as well as “email”. This is best for scenarios where you want users to login with either of their unique fields.

For example, you may want users to login with “email” or “mobile”.

6. You may or may not include “secondary_username_field” in “fields”.

Note:secondary_username_field” cannot be “email” as its “primary_username” and “secondary_username_field” will be set to None instead.

7. Signup

Make a POST request on with body as :-

"email": "some_email@email.com",
"password": "some_password"

8. Login

Now login with these credentials at :-

"username": "email@email.com or secondary_username_field",
"password": "some_password"

9. This will return a JWT. Pass this JWT in your request in “Authorization” header.


The AuthenticatedOnly permission class will only allow authenticated users to access your endpoint.

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from mongo_auth.permissions import AuthenticatedOnly
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status

class GetTest(APIView):

permission_classes = [AuthenticatedOnly]

def get(self, request, format=None):
print(request.user) # This is where magic happens
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
data={"data": {"msg": "User Authenticated"}})
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

Or, if you’re using the @api_view decorator with function based views.

from mongo_auth.permissions import AuthenticatedOnly
from rest_framework.decorators import permission_classes
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status

def get_test(request):
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
data={"data": {"msg": "User Authenticated"}})
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)

Don’t forget to pass “Authorization” Header in your requests while using your views with “AuthenticatedOnly” Permission Class.


As the Mongo Connection Object has already been initialised in the package, you can use it directly:

from mongo_auth.db import databaseprint(list(database["collection_name"].find({
}, {"_id": 0}).limit(10)))

More Info

  1. Passlib is used for password encryption with default scheme as “django_pbkdf2_sha256”.
  2. Only for Django 2.0 and above.
  3. Dependent on “django-rest-framework” and “pymongo”.



Srijan Anand
Srijan Anand

Written by Srijan Anand

Senior Backend Dev @ Valiance Solutions, Noida

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